Information Technology(M.E. IT)

Dr. Rajesh Bansode
Professor & HOD - P.G., IT
The The department was established in the year 2011. The Department conducts the Master of Engineering programme in Information Technology as per the syllabus prescribed by the University of Mumbai. The department caters to Engineers seeking advanced technical or management foundation or research capabilities with an Industrial perspective in the field of Information Technology. The Department aims to produce academic and industry leaders.
The Department conducts the Master of Engineering programme in Information Technology with an intake of 18 students approved by AICTE and affiliated to University of Mumbai. The department was established in the year 2011. The department caters to engineers seeking advanced technical or management foundation or research capabilities with an Industrial perspective in the field of Information Technology. The Department has to its credit top rankers in the University of Mumbai for the last several years.
The Department has 8 recognized teachers who have a strong commitment to deliver quality education to keep pace with the current technology trends.
The programme structure is based on Choice Based Semester and Grading System having a duration of two years. The choice based grading system offers ample flexibility to learners while selecting optional course at the Department & Institute level. The syllabus is peer reviewed IoS experts from industries and in sync with current & future trends in I.T. Teaching Assistantship and Research Assistantship are offered to students to meet the cost of their studies, other benefits include career advising , placement assistance, access to alumni network industry connections and guidance for doctoral studies.

M.E. Faculty List
Name of Faculty
Specialization Domain
University ConCol Approval details
Dr. Rajesh Bansode
Professor & HOD- PG IT
Cyber Security Laws,
Ethical Hacking,
IT Infrastructure Design,
Research Methodology & Intellectual Property Rights
Information and Communication Technology
No.PG/ICD/2013-14/24678 w.e.f 27/05/2013
Dr. Zahir Aalam
Professor, Dean (Training, Placement & Industry Linkage)
E-Business and Research Methodology
No. PG/ICD/2014-15/687w.e.f.-06/06/2014
Dr.Sangeeta Vhatkar
Associate Professor
Big data analytics , Advance Web technology
Information & Communication Technolgy, Machine Learning
No.PG/ICD/2013-14/28410 w.e.f.-27/05/2013
Dr.Anil Vasoya
Associate Professor & HOC Incharge
Data Visualization, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning for IT Application Developement
Data science , Machine Learning
No.Thesis/ICD/2022-23/3474 w.e.f.-08/12/22
Dr.Namdeo Badhe
Assistant Professor
Machine Learning for IT Application Developement,Big Data Analytics
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Remote Sensing
No.Thesis/ICD/2022-23/3454 w.e.f.-08/12/22
Ms. Pranjali Kasture
Assistant Professor
E-Business, Social Network Analytics, Advance Software engineering
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science
Best Practices
- Active participation of faculty and students in various National and International conferences, workshops, seminars and symposia
- Expert guidance on technical paper writing and research methodology
- Conduction of domain specific seminars
- Implementation of mini projects
- Convenient timings and timely completion of course
Key Facilities
- Dedicated P.G. Laboratory with broadband Internet facility
- More than 411 M.E. text books and reference books available in the library
- 5 National journals & 6 International Journals of reputed Edatabases such as IEEE, Springer, Elsevier - Science directs, JGATE, ASTM Digital Library, McGraw Hill - Access Engineering Library etc.
Result Highlights
Topper's List
Name of the student | Percentage | Year |
Nidhi Shah | SGPA 10/10 | May 2022 |
Rajpurohit Suresh Singh | SGPA 10/10 | May 2021 |
Kiran Krushnakant Mungekar | SGPA 9.78/10 | May 2020 |
Agrawal Avani Shivprakash Sumita | SGPA 8.29/10 | May 2019 |
Ms. Rina Ajay Yadav | SGPA 8.29/10 | May 2018 |
Ms. Baptista Ruth | SGPA 8.00/10 | May 2017 |
Ms. Tulapurkar Harshula H.U. | SGPA 8.55/10 | May 2016 |
Mr. Kaloya Rakesh M. | SGPA 9.27/10 | May 2015 |
Ms. Shraddha S. More | SGPA 8.91/10 | May 2014 |
Mr. Jay L. Borade | SGPA 8.91/10 | May 2013 | Ms. Neha J. Jain | 73.20 | May 2012 |
PG-IT Software Lab