About Ph.D. Research Center

Pre-PhD Admission Form    

Research plays a vital role in the success of any institution. Fundamental research in the field of engineering is a national challenge. Quality research in technology is the need of the hour for sustainable growth. Thakur College of Engineering and Technology (TCET) since its establishment, has a culture of nurturing research abilities at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Pursuing research leading to Ph. D. degree is both challenging and rewarding experience.

Against this background, TCET has approved Ph.D. (Technology) Research Centre of University of Mumbai (UOM) from the current academic year (A.Y.2017-18). It offers research program leading to the Ph. D. (Technology) Degree in Information Technology of UOM. Presently 10 seats are approved and it involves course work and other requirements as per university rules/guidelines.

In order to provide a strong platform to the researchers, academicians and scholars, TCET regularly organizes various national and international conferences, seminars, workshops and colloquium. These initiatives enable the stakeholders to build their capacity for critical examination and sound judgment, thereby facilitating them to contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

University recognized Research Guides

Sr. No. Branch Name Designation Specialization Domain University ConCol Approval details List of Subjects taught Students awarded Students pursuing Seat Vacant
01 IT Dr.B.K.Mishra Professor; Principal
02 IT Dr.Rajesh Bansode Professor & HOD - IT Information and Communication Technology No.PG/ICD/2016-17/2006 w.e.f: 07/09/2016 Research Methodology Cybersecurity 4 7 --
03 IT Dr. Zahir Aalam Professor, Dean (Training, Placement & Industry Linkages) Information and Communication Technology, Machine Learning No.PG/ICD/19-20/1888 W.e.f 5/12/2019 Cyber Security Lows, Data Science --- 5 3
04 IT Dr. Sangeeta Vhatkar Professor AI ML, Information communication Technology (ICT) No. PG/ICD/2019-20/1886 W.e.f 5/12/2019 Block Chain Technology --- 4 2

Key Facilities

  • Conduction of Foundation Program before the start of academic year
  • Regular conduct of lectures and practical work
  • Timely completion of course and thesis
  • Offering courses for domain specialization and to encourage research focussed to industry
  • Active participation of the faculty and students in various National and International Conferences, Workshops, Seminars and Symposia
  • Research Projects in collaboration with industry and research organization like SAMEER
  • Teaching assistantship for deserving & needy student
  • Well equipped laboratories.
  • Well stacked Library with e-resources and large number of on-line subscriptions

Ph.D. Degree Awarded

Sr. No Name of Candidate Date Of Admission/
University Registration Number
Research Topic Guide Present Status
01. Anita Jitendra Chaudhari 16-03.2018/
Design And Development Of Framework Using Fully Homomorphic Encryption Based Hybrid Approach To Secure Iot Data Dr. Rajesh S. Bansode Awarded
02. Bhushankumar Pitambar Nemade 10-03-2018/
loT based Adaptive Automated Environment Quality Monitoring as a Service Dr. Deven Shah Awarded
03. Sandip Anandrao Bankar 26-03-2018/
Blockchain based Framework to enhance DevOps Dr. Deven Shah Awarded
04. Aruna Animish Pavate 14-02-2018 11/
Design, Test and analyze various adversarial mechanisms using Machine Learning Practices Dr. Rajesh Bansode Awarded
05. Rohini Anant Patil 19-03-2018 12/
Design of Predictive Model Using Various Machine Learning Algorithms for Improving Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes Dr. Kamal Shah Awarded
06. Sunny Bhavan Sall 08-03-2018 18/
Performance Evaluation of Secure Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network Using IEEE 802.llX Standards Dr. Rajesh Bansode Awarded
07. Neeraj Kumari Khairwal 12-02-2018 17/
Design and Optimization of Blockchain Framework for Indian Judicial System Dr. Deven Shah Awarded
08. Neve Rahul Prakash 05-04-2019 28/
Performance Analysis and Development of Lightweight Cryptography for Data Security in Resource Constrained Devices Dr. Rajesh Bansode Awarded
09. Ujwala Vishwajit Gaikwad 17-04-2018/
Design and Development of Advanced Machine Learning Algorithm to Improve Segmentation of Cancer Medical Images Dr. Kamal Shah Awarded

RPS/ Course Work/ Topic /Thesis submitted Approval Status

Sr. No Name of Candidate Date Of Admission/
University Registration Number
Research Topic Guide Present Status
01. Patil Sainath Tukaram Jijabai 12-07-2021 In process Design and Analyze Various Mechanisms to Detect DDoS Attacks on Web Server Dr Rajesh Bansode Final Synopsis Submitted
02. Amar Rajendra Palwankar Nov/Dec 23 Submitted to University Dr Rajesh Bansode Course work completed
03. Shraddha S More Nov/Dec 23 Submitted to University Dr Rajesh Bansode Course work completed
04. Rakhi A Kalantri Nov/Dec 23 Submitted to University Dr Rajesh Bansode Course work completed
05. Prajakta N Pote Nov/Dec 23 Submitted to University Dr Rajesh Bansode Course work completed
06. Sanket D Patil Nov/Dec 23 Submitted to University Dr Zahir Aalam Course work completed
7. Dhanashree L Hadsul Nov/Dec 23 Submitted to University Dr Zahir Aalam Course work completed
8. Saltanat Shaikh Nov/Dec 23 Submitted to University Dr Sangeeta Vhatkar RPS-II Completed

Admitted in A. Y. 2023-24

Sr. No Name Of Candidate
01 Vidya Manoj Bharde

Newly Admitted in A. Y. 2024-25

Sr. No Name Of Candidate
01 Apeksha Waghmare
02 Komal Dhule
03 Hetal Rana
04 Poonam Joshi
05 Raees Ahmad Noor Mohammad
06 Patil Mitrakshi Bipin
07 Shaikh Shahrique ahmad

Summary of Students as on date

Intake Pursuing Ph.D. No. of students completed Ph.D. till date Admitted in A.Y. 2023-24 Admitted in A.Y. 2024-25 Vacancy
20 08 09 01 07 11