“The department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering envisions developing internationally competent professionals with a sense of responsibility and social sensitivity.”
To impart professional education endowed with human values using active learning techniques to transform the students to be competent and committed engineers meeting the current and future demands and capable of providing engineering solutions with social sensitivity.
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Technology growth is shooting at a very high pace and so the demand of skilled professionals. The Electronics & Telecommunication engineers can find a job in many sectors, some of these sectors are consumer electronics manufacturing organization, telecommunication industry, and IT industry, healthcare equipment manufacturing industry, mobile communications, internet technologies, and power electronics. Some of the other industries may also be steel, petroleum and chemical industry. The graduates in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering can also specialize in the field of sales, product representation, system management, design and manufacture of electronic devices and systems. They can even work in installing, maintaining and repairing the electronic devices.
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