
ACM SIGAI stands for the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence. Its primary goal is to promote the advancement and understanding of AI in both academia and industry; it was established in a New York, USA based organization. Chapters are the “local neighborhoods” of ACM. Worldwide ACM’s Professional and Student chapters serve as nodes of activity for ACM members and the computing community at large, offering seminars, lectures, and the opportunity to meet peers and experts in many fields of interest.

TCET ACM SIGAI is a professional body that was established in January 2023. It is a body that aims to bring together and inculcate research ideologies in people from all over India with a passion in the field of Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning by means of conducting Seminars, Workshops, Technical competitions, Local Industrial Visit etc

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Activities Conducted

Sr No. Date Name of the event
1 13 July 24 ACM SIGAI Membership Drive for (Second Year) students
2 20 July 24 TCET AI & ML Department Promotion in junior colleges/schools/polytechnic. Activity Collaboration with IIC.
3 24 Aug 24 National level Alumni interaction with established in the area of AI&ML
4 31 Aug 24 ACM SIGAI Local Industrial visit Collaboration with IIC
5 14 Sep 24 Hackathon(Inter department)
6 05 Oct 24 TCET- Zephyr

Future plans

To conduct Technical workshops, Local Industrial visit, and coding competitions for members.

To raise awareness about the body and conduct more events for a larger number of members.

Working Committee

Faculty Sponsor Dr. Shiwani Gupta
Membership Chair Ms. Pranjali Sankhe

Chairperson Ms. Diya Manapetty
Vice-Chairperson Mr. Satish Gupta
Secretary  Mr. Sagar Kanekar
Treasurer Ms. Saloni Parab
Webmaster Ms. Khushi Sharma
Technical Head Mr. Priyanshu Sah
Publication Head Ms. Gayatri Poojary
Event Manager Ms. Akshita Chunchu
Sponsorship Head Mr. Rahul George
PR Head Mr. Saurabh Shukla
Creative Head Ms. Shrutika Konduri

For Discover More Please Visit: ACM-SIGAI Website