The IETE is the National Apex Professional body of Electronics and Telecommunication, Computer Science and IT Professionals. The Government of India has recognized IETE as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) and also notified it as an educational Institution of national eminence. To provide leadership in scientific and technical areas, TCET-IETE chapter was formed in the A.Y. 2011-12 and is managed by Department of Electronics Engineering. The chapter conducts technical meetings, conferences, symposia, and exhibitions to provide continuing education as well as career advancement opportunities to its members.

At present, there are more than 250 members. Students and faculty also get the platform of bi-annual E-magazine,ADHYAY, to publish their first-hand technical articles.


Activities Conducted

Sr No. Date Name of the event
1 13 July 2024 Seminar on ‘GitHub’
2 20 July 2024 Webinar on ‘OPENSOURCE and LINKEDIN’
3 27 July 2024 Seminar on ‘Resume Building’
4 23 August 2024 Local IV to Automation Expo 2024
5 30 August 2024 IETE-TCET Inauguration and ThinkML Launch
6 30 August 2024 IETE-TCET Internal SIH Evaluation

Future plans

  • To organize hackathons such as Oscillation and Techtrove, providing students with opportunities to develop and showcase their technical skills in a competitive environment .
  • To help our members build valuable connections with industry experts and professionals.
  • To encourage students to be a member of TCET-IETE students forum and get the Benefits.
  • To organize Seminar for students to develop their soft skills.
  • To organize The TCET's Zephyr with new innovative ideas as a megaevent.
  • To organize Industrial Visits.
  • To organize technical workshops.

Working Committee

Branch Counsellor Dr. Hemant Kasturiwale
Faculty Incharge Mr. Sumit Kumar

Chairperson Mr. Abhishek Goyal
Vice-Chairperson Ms. Niharika Ravi Kumar
Secretary  Ms. Shravani Phatak
Treasurer Mr. Nirbhay Tiwari
Sponsorship Head Mr. Sumit Tiwari
Event Manager Mr. Dhruv Vishwakarma
Technical Lead Mr. Sourish Mishra
Outreach Coordinator Ms. Sneha Dubey